Tuesday, September 27, 2011


This is page contains raw error codes. It is meant as a software developer reference, not a customer support site.

00x00080000 NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead of leaving it empty. NOT_AN_ERROR
10x80080001 Attempt to create a class object failed CO_E_CLASS_CREATE_FAILED
20x80080002 OLE service could not bind object CO_E_SCM_ERROR
30x80080003 RPC communication failed with OLE service CO_E_SCM_RPC_FAILURE
40x80080004 Bad path to object CO_E_BAD_PATH
50x80080005 Server execution failed CO_E_SERVER_EXEC_FAILURE
60x80080006 OLE service could not communicate with the object server CO_E_OBJSRV_RPC_FAILURE
70x80080007 Moniker path could not be normalized MK_E_NO_NORMALIZED
80x80080008 Object server is stopping when OLE service contacts it CO_E_SERVER_STOPPING
90x80080009 An invalid root block pointer was specified MEM_E_INVALID_ROOT
160x80080010 An allocation chain contained an invalid link pointer MEM_E_INVALID_LINK
170x80080011 The requested allocation size was too large MEM_E_INVALID_SIZE
180x00080012 Not all the requested interfaces were available CO_S_NOTALLINTERFACES
190x00080013 The specified machine name was not found in the cache. CO_S_MACHINENAMENOTFOUND
210x80080015 The activation requires a display name to be present under the CLSID key. CO_E_MISSING_DISPLAYNAME
220x80080016 The activation requires that the RunAs value for the application is Activate As Activator. CO_E_RUNAS_VALUE_MUST_BE_AAA
230x80080017 The class is not configured to support Elevated activation. CO_E_ELEVATION_DISABLED
5120x80080200 Appx packaging API has encountered an internal error. APPX_E_PACKAGING_INTERNAL
5130x80080201 The file is not a valid Appx package because its contents are interleaved. APPX_E_INTERLEAVING_NOT_ALLOWED
5140x80080202 The file is not a valid Appx package because it contains OPC relationships. APPX_E_RELATIONSHIPS_NOT_ALLOWED
5150x80080203 The file is not a valid Appx package because it is missing a manifest or block map. APPX_E_MISSING_REQUIRED_FILE
5160x80080204 The Appx package's manifest is invalid. APPX_E_INVALID_MANIFEST
5170x80080205 The Appx package's block map is invalid. APPX_E_INVALID_BLOCKMAP
5180x80080206 The Appx package's content cannot be read because it is corrupt. APPX_E_CORRUPT_CONTENT
5190x80080207 The computed hash value of the block does not match the one stored in the block map. APPX_E_BLOCK_HASH_INVALID
5200x80080208 The requested byte range is over 4GB when translated to byte range of blocks. APPX_E_REQUESTED_RANGE_TOO_LARGE
23500x0008092E NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead of leaving it empty. NOT_N_PARSE_ERROR
56320x00081600 NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead of leaving it empty. NOT_AN_ERROR1

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