This is page contains raw error codes. It is meant as a software developer reference, not a customer support site.
Code | HRESULT | Description | #define |
0 | 0x80EE0000 | No matching codecs with peer | RTC_E_SIP_CODECS_DO_NOT_MATCH |
1 | 0x80EE0001 | Parsing SIP failed The stream to be started is already present | RTC_E_SIP_STREAM_PRESENT |
2 | 0x80EE0002 | The stream to be stopped is not present | RTC_E_SIP_STREAM_NOT_PRESENT |
3 | 0x80EE0003 | No stream is active | RTC_E_SIP_NO_STREAM |
4 | 0x80EE0004 | Parsing SIP failed | RTC_E_SIP_PARSE_FAILED |
5 | 0x80EE0005 | The SIP header is not present in the message | RTC_E_SIP_HEADER_NOT_PRESENT |
6 | 0x80EE0006 | SDP is not present in the SIP message | RTC_E_SDP_NOT_PRESENT |
7 | 0x80EE0007 | Parsing SDP failed | RTC_E_SDP_PARSE_FAILED |
8 | 0x80EE0008 | SDP does not match the previous one | RTC_E_SDP_UPDATE_FAILED |
9 | 0x80EE0009 | Multicast is not supported | RTC_E_SDP_MULTICAST |
10 | 0x80EE000A | Media does not contain connection address | RTC_E_SDP_CONNECTION_ADDR |
11 | 0x80EE000B | No media is available for the session | RTC_E_SDP_NO_MEDIA |
12 | 0x80EE000C | SIP Transaction timed out | RTC_E_SIP_TIMEOUT |
13 | 0x80EE000D | Failed to build SDP blob | RTC_E_SDP_FAILED_TO_BUILD |
14 | 0x80EE000E | Currently processing another INVITE transaction | RTC_E_SIP_INVITE_TRANSACTION_PENDING |
15 | 0x80EE000F | Authorization header was sent in a previous request | RTC_E_SIP_AUTH_HEADER_SENT |
16 | 0x80EE0010 | The Authentication type requested is not supported | RTC_E_SIP_AUTH_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED |
17 | 0x80EE0011 | Authentication Failed | RTC_E_SIP_AUTH_FAILED |
18 | 0x80EE0012 | The SIP URL is not valid | RTC_E_INVALID_SIP_URL |
19 | 0x80EE0013 | The Destination Address belongs to the local machine | RTC_E_DESTINATION_ADDRESS_LOCAL |
20 | 0x80EE0014 | The Local Address is invalid, check the profile | RTC_E_INVALID_ADDRESS_LOCAL |
21 | 0x80EE0015 | The Destination Address is a multicast address | RTC_E_DESTINATION_ADDRESS_MULTICAST |
22 | 0x80EE0016 | The Proxy Address is not valid | RTC_E_INVALID_PROXY_ADDRESS |
23 | 0x80EE0017 | The Transport specified is not supported | RTC_E_SIP_TRANSPORT_NOT_SUPPORTED |
24 | 0x80EE0018 | Need more data for parsing a whole SIP message | RTC_E_SIP_NEED_MORE_DATA |
25 | 0x80EE0019 | The Call has been disconnected | RTC_E_SIP_CALL_DISCONNECTED |
26 | 0x80EE001A | The Request destination address is not known | RTC_E_SIP_REQUEST_DESTINATION_ADDR_NOT_PRESENT |
27 | 0x80EE001B | The sip message size is greater than the UDP message size allowed | RTC_E_SIP_UDP_SIZE_EXCEEDED |
28 | 0x80EE001C | Cannot establish SSL tunnel to Http proxy | RTC_E_SIP_SSL_TUNNEL_FAILED |
29 | 0x80EE001D | Timeout during SSL Negotiation | RTC_E_SIP_SSL_NEGOTIATION_TIMEOUT |
30 | 0x80EE001E | Sip Stack is already shutdown | RTC_E_SIP_STACK_SHUTDOWN |
31 | 0x80EE001F | Operation not allowed in current media controller state | RTC_E_MEDIA_CONTROLLER_STATE |
32 | 0x80EE0020 | Can not find device | RTC_E_MEDIA_NEED_TERMINAL |
33 | 0x80EE0021 | Audio device is not available | RTC_E_MEDIA_AUDIO_DEVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE |
34 | 0x80EE0022 | Video device is not available | RTC_E_MEDIA_VIDEO_DEVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE |
35 | 0x80EE0023 | Can not start stream | RTC_E_START_STREAM |
36 | 0x80EE0024 | Failed to enable acoustic echo cancellation | RTC_E_MEDIA_AEC |
37 | 0x80EE0025 | Client not initialized | RTC_E_CLIENT_NOT_INITIALIZED |
38 | 0x80EE0026 | Client already initialized | RTC_E_CLIENT_ALREADY_INITIALIZED |
39 | 0x80EE0027 | Client already shut down | RTC_E_CLIENT_ALREADY_SHUT_DOWN |
40 | 0x80EE0028 | Presence not enabled | RTC_E_PRESENCE_NOT_ENABLED |
41 | 0x80EE0029 | Invalid session type | RTC_E_INVALID_SESSION_TYPE |
42 | 0x80EE002A | Invalid session state | RTC_E_INVALID_SESSION_STATE |
43 | 0x80EE002B | No valid profile for this operation | RTC_E_NO_PROFILE |
44 | 0x80EE002C | A local phone number is needed | RTC_E_LOCAL_PHONE_NEEDED |
45 | 0x80EE002D | No preferred device | RTC_E_NO_DEVICE |
46 | 0x80EE002E | Invalid profile | RTC_E_INVALID_PROFILE |
47 | 0x80EE002F | No provision tag in profile | RTC_E_PROFILE_NO_PROVISION |
48 | 0x80EE0030 | No profile key | RTC_E_PROFILE_NO_KEY |
49 | 0x80EE0031 | No profile name | RTC_E_PROFILE_NO_NAME |
50 | 0x80EE0032 | No user tag in profile | RTC_E_PROFILE_NO_USER |
51 | 0x80EE0033 | No user URI in profile | RTC_E_PROFILE_NO_USER_URI |
52 | 0x80EE0034 | No server tag in profile | RTC_E_PROFILE_NO_SERVER |
53 | 0x80EE0035 | Server tag missing address in profile | RTC_E_PROFILE_NO_SERVER_ADDRESS |
54 | 0x80EE0036 | Server tag missing protocol in profile | RTC_E_PROFILE_NO_SERVER_PROTOCOL |
55 | 0x80EE0037 | Invalid server protocol in profile | RTC_E_PROFILE_INVALID_SERVER_PROTOCOL |
56 | 0x80EE0038 | Invalid server authentication method in profile | RTC_E_PROFILE_INVALID_SERVER_AUTHMETHOD |
57 | 0x80EE0039 | Invalid server role in profile | RTC_E_PROFILE_INVALID_SERVER_ROLE |
58 | 0x80EE003A | Multiple registrar servers in profile | RTC_E_PROFILE_MULTIPLE_REGISTRARS |
59 | 0x80EE003B | Invalid session tag in profile | RTC_E_PROFILE_INVALID_SESSION |
60 | 0x80EE003C | Invalid session party in profile | RTC_E_PROFILE_INVALID_SESSION_PARTY |
61 | 0x80EE003D | Invalid session type in profile | RTC_E_PROFILE_INVALID_SESSION_TYPE |
62 | 0x80EE003E | The operation failed because of too many participants in the session | RTC_E_OPERATION_WITH_TOO_MANY_PARTICIPANTS |
63 | 0x80EE003F | Must set transport to TLS if Basic Auth is allowed | RTC_E_BASIC_AUTH_SET_TLS |
64 | 0x80EE0040 | Must set transport to TLS if high security mode is needed | RTC_E_SIP_HIGH_SECURITY_SET_TLS |
65 | 0x00EE0041 | Server does not support this type of roaming | RTC_S_ROAMING_NOT_SUPPORTED |
66 | 0x80EE0042 | Server address does not match an authorized domain in profile | RTC_E_PROFILE_SERVER_UNAUTHORIZED |
67 | 0x80EE0043 | Duplicate realm exists in an enabled profile | RTC_E_DUPLICATE_REALM |
68 | 0x80EE0044 | Current policy settings do not allow this action | RTC_E_POLICY_NOT_ALLOW |
69 | 0x80EE0045 | Port mapping can not be obtained from the port manager | RTC_E_PORT_MAPPING_UNAVAILABLE |
70 | 0x80EE0046 | Port mapping failure returned from the port manager | RTC_E_PORT_MAPPING_FAILED |
71 | 0x80EE0047 | The local and remote security levels are not compatible. | RTC_E_SECURITY_LEVEL_NOT_COMPATIBLE |
72 | 0x80EE0048 | The security level is not defined | RTC_E_SECURITY_LEVEL_NOT_DEFINED |
73 | 0x80EE0049 | Participant could not support the requested security level | RTC_E_SECURITY_LEVEL_NOT_SUPPORTED_BY_PARTICIPANT |
74 | 0x80EE004A | Buddy already exists | RTC_E_DUPLICATE_BUDDY |
75 | 0x80EE004B | Watcher already exists | RTC_E_DUPLICATE_WATCHER |
76 | 0x80EE004C | Malformed XML | RTC_E_MALFORMED_XML |
77 | 0x80EE004D | Roaming operation interrupted. It may succeed or fail. | RTC_E_ROAMING_OPERATION_INTERRUPTED |
78 | 0x80EE004E | Roaming session failed | RTC_E_ROAMING_FAILED |
79 | 0x80EE004F | Buddy list is invalid | RTC_E_INVALID_BUDDY_LIST |
80 | 0x80EE0050 | ACL list is invalid | RTC_E_INVALID_ACL_LIST |
81 | 0x80EE0051 | Group does not exist | RTC_E_NO_GROUP |
82 | 0x80EE0052 | Group already exists | RTC_E_DUPLICATE_GROUP |
83 | 0x80EE0053 | Max number of groups has been reached | RTC_E_TOO_MANY_GROUPS |
84 | 0x80EE0054 | Buddy does not exist | RTC_E_NO_BUDDY |
85 | 0x80EE0055 | Watcher does not exist | RTC_E_NO_WATCHER |
86 | 0x80EE0056 | No realm is set | RTC_E_NO_REALM |
87 | 0x80EE0057 | Server can not be specified without a transport protocol | RTC_E_NO_TRANSPORT |
88 | 0x80EE0058 | The required item does not exist | RTC_E_NOT_EXIST |
89 | 0x80EE0059 | Preference list is invalid | RTC_E_INVALID_PREFERENCE_LIST |
90 | 0x80EE005A | Maximum number of pending operations reached | RTC_E_MAX_PENDING_OPERATIONS |
91 | 0x80EE005B | Too many attempts to resend a request | RTC_E_TOO_MANY_RETRIES |
92 | 0x80EE005C | Invalid port range | RTC_E_INVALID_PORTRANGE |
93 | 0x80EE005D | Call connection has not been established | RTC_E_SIP_CALL_CONNECTION_NOT_ESTABLISHED |
94 | 0x80EE005E | Adding additional parties to two party session failed | RTC_E_SIP_ADDITIONAL_PARTY_IN_TWO_PARTY_SESSION |
95 | 0x80EE005F | Party already exists in session | RTC_E_SIP_PARTY_ALREADY_IN_SESSION |
96 | 0x80EE0060 | Join operation is in progress for another party | RTC_E_SIP_OTHER_PARTY_JOIN_IN_PROGRESS |
97 | 0x80EE0061 | Object state does not allow to perform this operation | RTC_E_INVALID_OBJECT_STATE |
98 | 0x80EE0062 | Presence is enabled | RTC_E_PRESENCE_ENABLED |
99 | 0x80EE0063 | Roaming is enabled | RTC_E_ROAMING_ENABLED |
100 | 0x80EE0064 | Incompatible TLS encryption | RTC_E_SIP_TLS_INCOMPATIBLE_ENCRYPTION |
101 | 0x80EE0065 | Invalid certificate | RTC_E_SIP_INVALID_CERTIFICATE |
102 | 0x80EE0066 | DNS lookup fails | RTC_E_SIP_DNS_FAIL |
103 | 0x80EE0067 | Fails to make a TCP connection | RTC_E_SIP_TCP_FAIL |
104 | 0x80EE0068 | Expires value received from the server is too small | RTC_E_TOO_SMALL_EXPIRES_VALUE |
105 | 0x80EE0069 | Fails to make a TLS connection | RTC_E_SIP_TLS_FAIL |
106 | 0x80EE006A | A presence profile must be used | RTC_E_NOT_PRESENCE_PROFILE |
107 | 0x80EE006B | Invitee connection fails | RTC_E_SIP_INVITEE_PARTY_TIMEOUT |
108 | 0x80EE006C | Authentication failure because of time skew between client and server | RTC_E_SIP_AUTH_TIME_SKEW |
109 | 0x80EE006D | Invalid registration state | RTC_E_INVALID_REGISTRATION_STATE |
110 | 0x80EE006E | Media is disabled | RTC_E_MEDIA_DISABLED |
111 | 0x80EE006F | Media is enabled | RTC_E_MEDIA_ENABLED |
112 | 0x80EE0070 | Refer has not been accepted | RTC_E_REFER_NOT_ACCEPTED |
113 | 0x80EE0071 | Refer operation is not allowed in this session | RTC_E_REFER_NOT_ALLOWED |
114 | 0x80EE0072 | Refer session does not exist or has finished | RTC_E_REFER_NOT_EXIST |
115 | 0x80EE0073 | Currently an hold operation is pending | RTC_E_SIP_HOLD_OPERATION_PENDING |
116 | 0x80EE0074 | Currently an unhold operation is pending | RTC_E_SIP_UNHOLD_OPERATION_PENDING |
117 | 0x80EE0075 | Media session does not exist | RTC_E_MEDIA_SESSION_NOT_EXIST |
118 | 0x80EE0076 | Media session is in hold | RTC_E_MEDIA_SESSION_IN_HOLD |
119 | 0x80EE0077 | Another media session is active | RTC_E_ANOTHER_MEDIA_SESSION_ACTIVE |
120 | 0x80EE0078 | Too many redirects | RTC_E_MAX_REDIRECTS |
121 | 0x80EE0079 | Processing redirect failed | RTC_E_REDIRECT_PROCESSING_FAILED |
122 | 0x80EE007A | Listening socket does not exist | RTC_E_LISTENING_SOCKET_NOT_EXIST |
123 | 0x80EE007B | Specified address and port is invalid | RTC_E_INVALID_LISTEN_SOCKET |
124 | 0x80EE007C | Port manager already set | RTC_E_PORT_MANAGER_ALREADY_SET |
125 | 0x80EE007D | The security level has already been set for this Media type can and can not be changed | RTC_E_SECURITY_LEVEL_ALREADY_SET |
126 | 0x80EE007E | This feature is not supported when one of the server in profile has UDP transport | RTC_E_UDP_NOT_SUPPORTED |
127 | 0x80EE007F | Currently a refer operation is pending | RTC_E_SIP_REFER_OPERATION_PENDING |
128 | 0x80EE0080 | This operation is not supported on this Windows Platform. | RTC_E_PLATFORM_NOT_SUPPORTED |
129 | 0x80EE0081 | A peer participant cannot be added to a multiparty session | RTC_E_SIP_PEER_PARTICIPANT_IN_MULTIPARTY_SESSION |
130 | 0x80EE0082 | This action is not allowed | RTC_E_NOT_ALLOWED |
131 | 0x80EE0083 | The user is being moved | RTC_E_REGISTRATION_DEACTIVATED |
132 | 0x80EE0084 | The user's account was disabled or deleted or the SIP URI changed | RTC_E_REGISTRATION_REJECTED |
133 | 0x80EE0085 | The user was logged out because the user logged in elsewhere | RTC_E_REGISTRATION_UNREGISTERED |
Message: Exception from HRESULT: 0x88980411
ReplyDeleteStack Trace :
at System.Windows.Media.Composition.DUCE.Channel.SendCommand(Byte* pCommandData, Int32 cSize, Boolean sendInSeparateBatch)
at System.Windows.Media.Composition.DUCE.CompositionNode.RemoveChild(ResourceHandle hCompositionNode, ResourceHandle hChild, Channel channel)
at System.Windows.Controls.TabControl.OnSelectionChanged(SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
at Infragistics.Windows.Controls.XamTabControl.OnSelectionChanged(SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.Selector.InvokeSelectionChanged(List`1 unselectedItems, List`1 selectedItems)
at System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.Selector.SelectionChanger.End()
at System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.Selector.SelectionChanger.SelectJustThisItem(Object item, Boolean assumeInItemsCollection)
at System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.Selector.OnSelectedIndexChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.DependencyObject.OnPropertyChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.FrameworkElement.OnPropertyChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
at Infragistics.Windows.Controls.XamTabControl.OnPropertyChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.DependencyObject.NotifyPropertyChange(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args)
at System.Windows.DependencyObject.UpdateEffectiveValue(EntryIndex entryIndex, DependencyProperty dp, PropertyMetadata metadata, EffectiveValueEntry oldEntry, EffectiveValueEntry& newEntry, Boolean coerceWithDeferredReference, Boolean coerceWithCurrentValue, OperationType operationType)
at System.Windows.DependencyObject.SetValueCommon(DependencyProperty dp, Object value, PropertyMetadata metadata, Boolean coerceWithDeferredReference, Boolean coerceWithCurrentValue, OperationType operationType, Boolean isInternal)
at System.Windows.DependencyObject.SetValue(DependencyProperty dp, Object value)
Hi thanks to your Great post.
ReplyDeletePlease find the above error which i got in my application.
Please help me how to Resolve it.
Used this to troubleshoot a pairing issue with Microsoft Lync VDI 2013 plugin on HP t610 thin clients.
Clock drift on the thin clients broke it.