Tuesday, September 27, 2011


This is page contains raw error codes. It is meant as a software developer reference, not a customer support site.

10xC00E0001 Generic error code. MQ_ERROR
10x400E0001 One or more of the properties passed resulted in a warning, but the function completed. MQ_INFORMATION_PROPERTY
20xC00E0002 One or more of the properties passed are invalid. MQ_ERROR_PROPERTY
20x400E0002 The property ID is invalid. MQ_INFORMATION_ILLEGAL_PROPERTY
30xC00E0003 The queue does not exist or you do not have sufficient permissions to perform the operation. MQ_ERROR_QUEUE_NOT_FOUND
30x400E0003 The property specified was ignored for this operation (this occurs, for example, when PROPID_M_SENDERID is passed to SendMessage()). MQ_INFORMATION_PROPERTY_IGNORED
40xC00E0004 The queue is not open or may not exist. MQ_ERROR_QUEUE_NOT_ACTIVE
40x400E0004 The property specified is not supported and was ignored for this operation. MQ_INFORMATION_UNSUPPORTED_PROPERTY
50xC00E0005 A queue with the same path name already exists. MQ_ERROR_QUEUE_EXISTS
50x400E0005 The property specified is already in the property identifier array. The duplicate was ignored for this operation. MQ_INFORMATION_DUPLICATE_PROPERTY
60xC00E0006 An invalid parameter was passed to a function. MQ_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER
60x400E0006 An asynchronous operation is currently pending. MQ_INFORMATION_OPERATION_PENDING
70xC00E0007 An invalid handle was passed to a function. MQ_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE
80xC00E0008 The operation was canceled before it could be completed. MQ_ERROR_OPERATION_CANCELLED
90xC00E0009 There is a sharing violation. The queue is already open for exclusive retrieval. MQ_ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION
90x400E0009 The format name buffer supplied to MQCreateQueue was too small to hold the format name, however the queue was created successfully. MQ_INFORMATION_FORMATNAME_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL
100x400E000A An internal Message Queuing certificate already exists for this user. MQ_INFORMATION_INTERNAL_USER_CERT_EXIST
110xC00E000B The Message Queuing service is not available MQ_ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE
110x400E000B The queue owner was not set during the processing of this call to MQSetQueueSecurity(). MQ_INFORMATION_OWNER_IGNORED
130xC00E000D The computer specified cannot be found. MQ_ERROR_MACHINE_NOT_FOUND
160xC00E0010 The sort operation specified in MQLocateBegin is invalid (for example, there are duplicate columns). MQ_ERROR_ILLEGAL_SORT
170xC00E0011 The user specified is not a valid user. MQ_ERROR_ILLEGAL_USER
190xC00E0013 A connection with Active Directory Domain Services cannot be established. Verify that there are sufficient permissions to perform this operation. MQ_ERROR_NO_DS
200xC00E0014 The queue path name specified is invalid. MQ_ERROR_ILLEGAL_QUEUE_PATHNAME
240xC00E0018 The property value specified is invalid. MQ_ERROR_ILLEGAL_PROPERTY_VALUE
250xC00E0019 The VARTYPE value specified is invalid. MQ_ERROR_ILLEGAL_PROPERTY_VT
260xC00E001A The buffer supplied to MQReceiveMessage for message property retrieval is too small. The message was not removed from the queue, but the part of the message property that was in the buffer was copied. MQ_ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW
270xC00E001B The time specified for MQReceiveMessage to wait for the message elapsed. MQ_ERROR_IO_TIMEOUT
280xC00E001C The MQ_ACTION_PEEK_NEXT value specified for MQReceiveMessage cannot be used with the current cursor position. MQ_ERROR_ILLEGAL_CURSOR_ACTION
290xC00E001D The message at which the cursor is currently pointing was removed from the queue by another process or by another call to MQReceiveMessage without the use of this cursor. MQ_ERROR_MESSAGE_ALREADY_RECEIVED
300xC00E001E The format name specified is invalid. MQ_ERROR_ILLEGAL_FORMATNAME
310xC00E001F The format name buffer supplied to the API was too small to hold the format name. MQ_ERROR_FORMATNAME_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL
320xC00E0020 Operations of the type requested (for example, deleting a queue using a direct format name) are not supported for the format name specified. MQ_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_FORMATNAME_OPERATION
330xC00E0021 The specified security descriptor is invalid. MQ_ERROR_ILLEGAL_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR
340xC00E0022 The size of the buffer for the user ID property is too small. MQ_ERROR_SENDERID_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL
350xC00E0023 The size of the buffer passed to MQGetQueueSecurity is too small. MQ_ERROR_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_TOO_SMALL
360xC00E0024 The security credentials cannot be verified because the RPC server cannot impersonate the client application. MQ_ERROR_CANNOT_IMPERSONATE_CLIENT
370xC00E0025 Access is denied. MQ_ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED
380xC00E0026 The client does not have sufficient security privileges to perform the operation. MQ_ERROR_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD
390xC00E0027 There are insufficient resources to perform this operation. MQ_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES
400xC00E0028 The request failed because the user buffer is too small to hold the information returned. MQ_ERROR_USER_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL
420xC00E002A A recoverable or journal message could not be stored. The message was not sent. MQ_ERROR_MESSAGE_STORAGE_FAILED
430xC00E002B The buffer for the user certificate property is too small. MQ_ERROR_SENDER_CERT_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL
440xC00E002C The user certificate is invalid. MQ_ERROR_INVALID_CERTIFICATE
450xC00E002D The internal Message Queuing certificate is corrupted. MQ_ERROR_CORRUPTED_INTERNAL_CERTIFICATE
460xC00E002E An internal Message Queuing certificate already exists for this user. MQ_ERROR_INTERNAL_USER_CERT_EXIST
470xC00E002F No internal Message Queuing certificate exists for the user. MQ_ERROR_NO_INTERNAL_USER_CERT
480xC00E0030 A cryptographic function failed. MQ_ERROR_CORRUPTED_SECURITY_DATA
490xC00E0031 The personal certificate store is corrupted. MQ_ERROR_CORRUPTED_PERSONAL_CERT_STORE
510xC00E0033 The computer does not support encryption operations. MQ_ERROR_COMPUTER_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT_ENCRYPTION
530xC00E0035 The security context is invalid. MQ_ERROR_BAD_SECURITY_CONTEXT
540xC00E0036 The SID cannot be obtained from the thread token. MQ_ERROR_COULD_NOT_GET_USER_SID
550xC00E0037 The account information for the user cannot be obtained. MQ_ERROR_COULD_NOT_GET_ACCOUNT_INFO
560xC00E0038 The MQCOLUMNS parameter is invalid. MQ_ERROR_ILLEGAL_MQCOLUMNS
570xC00E0039 A property identifier is invalid. MQ_ERROR_ILLEGAL_PROPID
580xC00E003A A relationship parameter is invalid. MQ_ERROR_ILLEGAL_RELATION
590xC00E003B The size of the buffer for the message identifier or correlation identifier is invalid. MQ_ERROR_ILLEGAL_PROPERTY_SIZE
600xC00E003C A property identifier specified in MQRESTRICTION is invalid. MQ_ERROR_ILLEGAL_RESTRICTION_PROPID
610xC00E003D Either the pointer to the MQQUEUEPROPS structure has a null value, or no properties are specified in it. MQ_ERROR_ILLEGAL_MQQUEUEPROPS
620xC00E003E The property identifier specified (for example, PROPID_Q_INSTANCE in MQSetQueueProperties) is invalid for the operation requested. MQ_ERROR_PROPERTY_NOTALLOWED
630xC00E003F Not all the properties required for the operation were specified for the input parameters. MQ_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_PROPERTIES
640xC00E0040 The MSMQ Configuration (msmq) object already exists in Active Directory Domain Services. MQ_ERROR_MACHINE_EXISTS
650xC00E0041 Either the pointer to the MQQMROPS structure has a null value, or no properties are specified in it. MQ_ERROR_ILLEGAL_MQQMPROPS
660xC00E0042 Obsolete, kept for backward compatibility MQ_ERROR_DS_IS_FULL
670xC00E0043 There is an internal Active Directory Domain Services error. MQ_ERROR_DS_ERROR
680xC00E0044 The object owner is invalid (for example, MQCreateQueue failed because the QM object is invalid). MQ_ERROR_INVALID_OWNER
690xC00E0045 The access mode specified is unsupported. MQ_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_ACCESS_MODE
700xC00E0046 The result buffer specified is too small. MQ_ERROR_RESULT_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL
720xC00E0048 Obsolete, kept for backward compatibility MQ_ERROR_DELETE_CN_IN_USE
730xC00E0049 There was no response from the object owner. MQ_ERROR_NO_RESPONSE_FROM_OBJECT_SERVER
740xC00E004A The object owner is not available. MQ_ERROR_OBJECT_SERVER_NOT_AVAILABLE
750xC00E004B An error occurred while reading from a queue located on a remote computer. MQ_ERROR_QUEUE_NOT_AVAILABLE
760xC00E004C A connection cannot be established with the Distributed Transaction Coordinator. MQ_ERROR_DTC_CONNECT
780xC00E004E The transaction specified cannot be imported. MQ_ERROR_TRANSACTION_IMPORT
800xC00E0050 An attempted action cannot be performed within a transaction. MQ_ERROR_TRANSACTION_USAGE
810xC00E0051 The transaction's operation sequence is incorrect. MQ_ERROR_TRANSACTION_SEQUENCE
850xC00E0055 The connector type message property is not specified. This property is required for sending an acknowledgment message or a secure message. MQ_ERROR_MISSING_CONNECTOR_TYPE
860xC00E0056 The Message Queuing service was restarted. Any open queue handles should be closed. MQ_ERROR_STALE_HANDLE
880xC00E0058 The transaction specified cannot be enlisted. MQ_ERROR_TRANSACTION_ENLIST
900xC00E005A The queue was deleted. Messages cannot be received anymore using this queue handle. The handle should be closed. MQ_ERROR_QUEUE_DELETED
910xC00E005B The context parameter for MQLocateBegin is invalid. MQ_ERROR_ILLEGAL_CONTEXT
920xC00E005C An invalid property identifier is specified in MQSORTSET. MQ_ERROR_ILLEGAL_SORT_PROPID
930xC00E005D The message label is too long. Its length should be less than or equal to MQ_MAX_MSG_LABEL_LEN. MQ_ERROR_LABEL_TOO_LONG
940xC00E005E The label buffer supplied to the API is too small. MQ_ERROR_LABEL_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL
950xC00E005F Obsolete, kept for backward compatibility MQ_ERROR_MQIS_SERVER_EMPTY
960xC00E0060 Obsolete, kept for backward compatibility MQ_ERROR_MQIS_READONLY_MODE
970xC00E0061 The buffer passed for the symmetric key is too small. MQ_ERROR_SYMM_KEY_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL
980xC00E0062 The buffer passed for the signature property is too small. MQ_ERROR_SIGNATURE_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL
990xC00E0063 The buffer passed for the provider name property is too small. MQ_ERROR_PROV_NAME_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL
1000xC00E0064 The operation is invalid for a foreign message queuing system. MQ_ERROR_ILLEGAL_OPERATION
1010xC00E0065 Obsolete; another MQIS server is being installed. Write operations to the database are not allowed at this stage. MQ_ERROR_WRITE_NOT_ALLOWED
1020xC00E0066 Independent clients cannot support dependent clients. A Message Queuing server is required. MQ_ERROR_WKS_CANT_SERVE_CLIENT
1030xC00E0067 The number of dependent clients served by the Message Queuing server reached its upper limit. MQ_ERROR_DEPEND_WKS_LICENSE_OVERFLOW
1040xC00E0068 The file %1 for the queue %2 in the Lqs folder was deleted because it was corrupted. MQ_CORRUPTED_QUEUE_WAS_DELETED
1050xC00E0069 The remote computer is not available. MQ_ERROR_REMOTE_MACHINE_NOT_AVAILABLE
1060xC00E006A This operation is not supported for Message Queuing installed in workgroup mode. MQ_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION
1070xC00E006B The cryptographic service provider %1 is not supported by Message Queuing. MQ_ERROR_ENCRYPTION_PROVIDER_NOT_SUPPORTED
1080xC00E006C The security descriptors for the cryptographic keys cannot be set. MQ_ERROR_CANNOT_SET_CRYPTO_SEC_DESCR
1090xC00E006D A user attempted to send an authenticated message without a certificate. MQ_ERROR_CERTIFICATE_NOT_PROVIDED
1100xC00E006E The column PROPID_Q_PATHNAME_DNS is not supported for the MQLocateBegin API. MQ_ERROR_Q_DNS_PROPERTY_NOT_SUPPORTED
1110xC00E006F A certificate store cannot be created for the internal certificate. MQ_ERROR_CANNOT_CREATE_CERT_STORE
1120xC00E0070 The certificate store for the internal certificate cannot be opened. MQ_ERROR_CANNOT_OPEN_CERT_STORE
1130xC00E0071 This operation is invalid for an MsmqServices object. MQ_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ENTERPRISE_OPERATION
1140xC00E0072 The Add GUID permission cannot be granted to the current user. MQ_ERROR_CANNOT_GRANT_ADD_GUID
1150xC00E0073 Obsolete: The dynamic-link library Msmqocm.dll cannot be loaded. MQ_ERROR_CANNOT_LOAD_MSMQOCM
1160xC00E0074 An entry point cannot be located in Msmqocm.dll. MQ_ERROR_NO_ENTRY_POINT_MSMQOCM
1170xC00E0075 Message Queuing servers cannot be found on domain controllers. MQ_ERROR_NO_MSMQ_SERVERS_ON_DC
1180xC00E0076 The computer joined the domain, but Message Queuing will continue to run in workgroup mode because it failed to register itself in Active Directory Domain Services. MQ_ERROR_CANNOT_JOIN_DOMAIN
1190xC00E0077 The object was not created on the Global Catalog server specified. MQ_ERROR_CANNOT_CREATE_ON_GC
1200xC00E0078 Obsolete, kept for backward compatibility MQ_ERROR_GUID_NOT_MATCHING
1210xC00E0079 The public key for the computer %1 cannot be found. MQ_ERROR_PUBLIC_KEY_NOT_FOUND
1220xC00E007A The public key for the computer %1 does not exist. MQ_ERROR_PUBLIC_KEY_DOES_NOT_EXIST
1230xC00E007B The parameters in MQPRIVATEPROPS are invalid. Either the pointer to the MQPRIVATEPROPS structure has a null value, or no properties are specified in it. MQ_ERROR_ILLEGAL_MQPRIVATEPROPS
1240xC00E007C Global Catalog servers cannot be found in the domain specified. MQ_ERROR_NO_GC_IN_DOMAIN
1250xC00E007D No Message Queuing servers were found on Global Catalog servers. MQ_ERROR_NO_MSMQ_SERVERS_ON_GC
1260xC00E007E Obsolete, kept for backward compatibility MQ_ERROR_CANNOT_GET_DN
1270xC00E007F Data for an authenticated message cannot be hashed. MQ_ERROR_CANNOT_HASH_DATA_EX
1280xC00E0080 Data cannot be signed before sending an authenticated message. MQ_ERROR_CANNOT_SIGN_DATA_EX
1290xC00E0081 A hash object cannot be created for an authenticated message. MQ_ERROR_CANNOT_CREATE_HASH_EX
1300xC00E0082 The signature of the message received is not valid. MQ_ERROR_FAIL_VERIFY_SIGNATURE_EX
1310xC00E0083 The object that will be deleted is owned by a primary site controller. The operation cannot be performed. MQ_ERROR_CANNOT_DELETE_PSC_OBJECTS
1320xC00E0084 There is no MSMQ Users organizational unit object in Active Directory Domain Services for the domain. Please create one manually. MQ_ERROR_NO_MQUSER_OU
1330xC00E0085 The dynamic-link library Mqad.dll cannot be loaded. MQ_ERROR_CANNOT_LOAD_MQAD
1340xC00E0086 Obsolete, kept for backward compatibility MQ_ERROR_CANNOT_LOAD_MQDSSRV
1350xC00E0087 Two or more of the properties passed cannot co-exist. For example, you cannot set both PROPID_M_RESP_QUEUE and PROPID_M_RESP_FORMAT_NAME when sending a message. MQ_ERROR_PROPERTIES_CONFLICT
1360xC00E0088 The message does not exist or was removed from the queue. MQ_ERROR_MESSAGE_NOT_FOUND
1370xC00E0089 The sites where the computer resides cannot be resolved. Check that the subnets in your network are configured correctly in Active Directory Domain Services and that each site is configured with the appropriate subnet. MQ_ERROR_CANT_RESOLVE_SITES
1380xC00E008A This operation is not supported by dependent clients. MQ_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED_BY_DEPENDENT_CLIENTS
1390xC00E008B This operation is not supported by the remote Message Queuing service. For example, MQReceiveMessageByLookupId is not supported by MSMQ 1.0/2.0. MQ_ERROR_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_BY_REMOTE_COMPUTER
1400xC00E008C The object whose properties are being retrieved from Active Directory Domain Services does not belong to the class requested. MQ_ERROR_NOT_A_CORRECT_OBJECT_CLASS
1410xC00E008D The value of cCol in MQSORTSET cannot be greater than 1. Active Directory Domain Services supports only a single sort key. MQ_ERROR_MULTI_SORT_KEYS
1420xC00E008E An MSMQ Configuration (msmq) object with the GUID supplied cannot be created. By default, an Active Directory Domain Services forest does not support adding an object with a supplied GUID. MQ_ERROR_GC_NEEDED
1430xC00E008F Binding to the forest root failed. This error usually indicates a problem in the DNS configuration. MQ_ERROR_DS_BIND_ROOT_FOREST
1440xC00E0090 A local user is authenticated as an anonymous user and cannot access Active Directory Domain Services. You need to log on as a domain user to access Active Directory Domain Services. MQ_ERROR_DS_LOCAL_USER
1450xC00E0091 The column PROPID_Q_ADS_PATH is not supported for the MQLocateBegin API. MQ_ERROR_Q_ADS_PROPERTY_NOT_SUPPORTED
1460xC00E0092 The given property is not a valid XML document. MQ_ERROR_BAD_XML_FORMAT
1470xC00E0093 The Active Directory Domain Services object specified is not an instance of a supported class. MQ_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_CLASS
1480xC00E0094 The MSMQManagement object must be initialized before it is used. MQ_ERROR_UNINITIALIZED_OBJECT
1490xC00E0095 The object that will be created should be owned by a primary site controller. The operation cannot be performed. MQ_ERROR_CANNOT_CREATE_PSC_OBJECTS
1500xC00E0096 The object that will be updated is owned by a primary site controller. The operation cannot be performed. MQ_ERROR_CANNOT_UPDATE_PSC_OBJECTS
1530xC00E0099 Message Queuing is not able to resolve the address specified by the user. The address may be wrong or DNS look-up for address failed. MQ_ERROR_RESOLVE_ADDRESS
1540xC00E009A Too many properties passed to the function. Message Queuing can process up to 128 properties in one call. MQ_ERROR_TOO_MANY_PROPERTIES
1550xC00E009B The queue only accepts authenticated messages. MQ_ERROR_MESSAGE_NOT_AUTHENTICATED
1560xC00E009C The message is currently being processed under a transaction. Till the transaction outcome is determined, the message cannot be processed in any other transaction. MQ_ERROR_MESSAGE_LOCKED_UNDER_TRANSACTION

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